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English community in Paris

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All information for expats and foreign expatriates in Paris
English community in Paris, Expat English in Paris

> English community in Paris



English community in Paris

Tips on how to find the right addresses where people speak English well in Paris
Do you want to speak English in Paris ? It is indeed possible but you just need to know the right addresses. These addresses could be of associations and why not restaurants or schools? Paris is a big city where one can find the least thing such as places where people practice English, but you also need to prepare related fees.

The first approach you need to take in order to find the best place to speak English is of course to launch requests online. You can go to Google, which will probably help you discover the best place to fully practice English in Paris or why not look for tips on forums? After all, you can also talk to an English-speaking tourist at a very popular place with diplomacy and tact, an easy way to speak English and also for free!

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